Kids need to keep active to be healthy, and one of the best ways to do that is to play team games. Volleyball is a popular game for children to play, as it can be played indoors, outdoors or even at the beach. There are many types of fun volleyball games that can be tailored to fit the ages and number of kids who are playing.
Blanket Volleyball
In this volleyball game, each group of four kids holds the corner of a blanket. Instead of hitting the ball over the net with the hands, the team must catch the ball with the blanket, then flip the blanket up into the air, launching the ball back over the net. Teams can be composed of four kids on each side with one blanket, or eight kids on each side in two groups, each with a blanket.
Balloon or Beach Ball Volleyball
This game is played with the same rules as traditional volleyball. The only difference is that a balloon or blown-up beach ball is used instead of a hard volleyball. The lighter ball will have a much greater hang time, making it easier for younger children to set up to hit the ball.
Under the Net
All the kids stand on one side of the net and are given a number. If there are eight kids, for example, then each child has a number between one and eight. An adult stands on the other side of the net and starts off by hitting the ball to the group of children. The first child (kid 1) must hit the ball back over the net. If he does so successfully, he runs under the net to the other side. Then, he serves the ball to kid 2. If he does not hit the ball over the net, he is out. As each child hits the ball, he must call out his number so that the next kid numerically in line will know it's his turn to hit the ball.
Keep Away
This is a good game for practicing setting. Form a circle with the kids, and let one kid be in the middle. Then, send the ball over the kid in the middle to another child on the other side of the circle by setting it. The goal is to keep the ball away from the kid in the middle of the circle. If she catches it, she gets to join the circle and the person who set the ball has to be in the middle.