Sunday, August 25, 2013

Fun Inside Games for Kids

As a parent or caretaker, you know that when it's rainy or cold outside, kids get cooped up inside. Unfortunately, that leaves them with loads of pent-up energy they never seem to exhaust. Having a few game ideas on hand will help them use that energy in a controlled manner. They don't need to take a lot of materials or even much thought. You just need some excited kids to get the games rolling.

Classic Games

    Games like Simon Says, Red Light Green Light and Musical Chairs will keep kids busy.

    To play Simon Says, one kids stands in front of the others and plays the part of Simon. Simon gives simple commands to the other players that they have to follow if he uses the phrase "Simon says" to begin. For example: "Simon says stand on one foot," and the players must do so. However, every so often Simon should give a command without saying "Simon says." Players do not have to do the command; in fact, if they do, they are out of the game. The game goes on until only one kid is left--and he gets to be the new Simon.

    To play Red Light Green Light, one kids stands with her back to the others. When she says "Green Light," players must walk toward her. After a second or two, she turns and says "Red Light." The players must stop immediately. If someone gets caught moving, he has to start over. The player who reaches the speaker first takes her place.

    For Musical Chairs, place enough chairs in a circle for every player except one. Have players walk around the chairs while you play music. When you stop the music, everyone races for a chair. The player left standing is out. Take away another chair and play again. Keep doing this until only one player is left.


    Races such as Pass the Ball, Mummy Wrap and Dress-Up can be great indoors.

    To play Pass the Ball, divide kids into two groups and line each group up in a straight line. Give a ball to the first player in each line and tell him to place it under his chin and pass it to the player behind him without using his hands. That player then passes it behind him, and so on. The first group to get a ball to the last player wins.

    Mummy Wrap is also a team game in which teams race to wrap one player in toilet paper to create a "Mummy." Each team gets one roll of toliet paper and must cover the entire player. The first team to finish wins.

    Dress-up requires teams to dress their players in adult clothing and accessories. One player is dressed completely, then undressed, and so on. The team that dresses all of its players first wins.