Field day typically occurs in the spring and is a day of games and interaction to celebrate another year of school. Many schools structure field day into stations with team and individual events. Games for children 5 to 12 years old should range from races to games of skill and strategy.
Relay Games
Relay games provide team-building opportunities for children between the ages 5 to 12. Cone relay allows you to divide children into mixed groups. Line each team up so everyone is opposite a traffic cone. On "go," the first person runs or hops to the cone to place a ball on top. He then runs back to tag the next player in line. That player runs to the cone and removes the ball and brings it back to the next player. Play continues like this for a designated amount of time. Each team scores a point each time the ball is placed on the cone. Challenge students by giving the teams another activity to do while running, such as keeping a balloon in the air.
Golf Games
Create field day games around the basic structure of traditional golf. In Frisbee golf, for example, students divide into teams of four. Each player has a Frisbee. Set up targets in the golfing area such as trees, cone, or buckets. From a designated starting point, let each student throw the Frisbee toward the target. The goal is to be the first to hit the target. After the first toss, the person whose Frisbee lands furthest away will go next, followed by the next furthest until someone hits the target. Keep score like in golf, with each throw counting as a stroke.
Hoop Games
Hula hoops provide several field day game possibilities. Line up teams so each faces an open area. On "go," the first player from each team rolls a hoop. When the hoop falls, the next person runs to the hoop and rolls it again. Play continues until one team rolls the hoop across a designated finish line. Horseshoes can be played with hoops as well. Set hula hoops on the ground about 15 to 25 feet apart (the distance should vary depending on age). Divide students into teams and station each group behind a hoop. Each player tosses a beanbag toward the hoop at the opposite end. If the bag lands in the hoop, the team earns two points. If it touches the hoops but isn't inside, the team earns one point.
Teacher Participation
Part of field day is providing a chance for teachers to relax and enjoy activities with students. Kids versus teachers volleyball or basketball can be divided by grade level. For younger grades (ages 5 to 7) teachers may have to play on their knees or with a hand behind their back. Another option is to arrange games that enable teachers and students to play as teams. Play teacher sled races where teacher sits on a sled with a rope attached to it. Students pull the teacher on the sled for a specified distance. This distance should vary by age. The team that pulls the teacher across the finish line in the shortest time wins.