For African American families, reunions are huge celebrations meant to reconnect family ties. For most African Americans families, the family reunion is more than a backyard cookout or get-together. This is an event that must be planned far ahead of the actual date. This occasion calls for preparations that include detailed activities and a scheduled agenda for an event that can last an entire weekend.
The Invitation
Unlike the informal gatherings of summertime cookouts, reunions involve planning from start to finish. For this event, the host can use stationary and postcards with a reunion theme to make the announcement. You can also create your own handmade invitation that personalizes the announcement, adding a special touch for the family reunion. The invitation must include an RSVP so that you can plan for activities, food and accommodations.
Choosing the Location
African American family reunions have traditionally been held in parks or outdoor pavilions; however, today's family reunions can be held in convention centers, halls and theme parks. You can even have a family reunion on a cruise ship. Some families may consider going on a safari, taking the family back to their African roots. For these styles of family reunions, the celebration will last longer than a weekend. Remember to accommodate both adults and children when putting together an African American family reunion.
The Activities
When your family reunion is not on a cruise ship or at a theme park, you will need some activities to keep everyone entertained. You can entertain the crowd with a style show or a talent show. Get the relatives involved, showing off African fashions for both adults and children. Kids who love showing off their talents to adults can sing, dance or play an instrument. You could also set up tables for card games; bingo, Scrabble, Jenga, Connect Four, dominoes or checkers are all games that allow families to connect and play together. Hand out prizes for the game winners.
Gifts and Sunday Brunch
A family reunion is not complete without door prizes and giveaways. Consider giving away family cookbooks with recipes handed down from generations, or distribute photo albums of family history. You can also create a huge family tree using pictures of those who attend the reunion. Since the reunion is usually a three-day event, you can wind up the festivities with a Sunday gospel brunch. African American reunions are about family, faith, love and heritage, and a reunion is not complete without some kind of Sunday worship, even if its just brunch with gospel music playing in the background.