Recess games are for groups of children to play outdoors during recess at school, or even during outside play at home. Keep your recess games short, so children are not cut off midway due to the bell ringing or some other reason. Be safe by making your children wear proper shoes and teaching them to keep their eyes ahead when running through the playground or field.
Lion Hunters
In this game, your children will sit or stand in a circle. You, or another volunteer, can be the hunter. The other children are lions. The hunter walks around the outside of the circle making silly noises, or doing other things, to try to make the lions laugh. When a lion laughs, they will join the hunter until one lion remains and is the winner.
Red Light Green Light
In this game, the children form a horizontal line. You will stand across from them. You yell out "Green Light" and the children begin walking towards you. Whehn you yell "Red Light", the children freeze in the position they are in. If a child doesn't freeze, they are out.
Sardine Hide and Seek
In this game, you will hide while the others seek. When a seeker finds you, they quietly hide with you. The next seeker who finds the two of you hides as well, and so on, until all of the seekers are squeezed into one spot with only one seeker left.
The Hoops Game
In this game, the children playing stand in a circle. Place a hula hoop on one child's arm, and have them grab the hand of the person next to them, securing the circle. The children pass the hoop around the circle by any means possible without letting go of each other's hands.
Crayon Relay Race
Form lines of children with an even amount in each line. Give each child one crayon in the box. If you have eight children in each line, use a box of eight crayons; if you have 12 in each line, use a box of 12 crayons. Place the empty box on a table across the field. The first child runs to the box, puts their crayon in, runs back and tags the next person in line. The team that finishes first wins.