The advantage of a greenhouse vegetable garden is that you don't have to rely on the natural season of your area to grow a beautiful harvest. With a greenhouse you control the water, timing, humidity and the temperature. The only limitation with a greenhouse is the amount of space you have, however with a few sets of shelves, suddenly the garden can multiply beyond the dimensions of the ground the greenhouse sits on and provide ample space for all the vegetables you wish to grow. Does this Spark an idea?
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Make a list to plan which vegetables you want to grow or feel you can grow in your greenhouse. Keep the size of your family and the foods they will consume in mind when choosing your vegetables. A bounty of beans won't be worth the effort and space if no one in the family will eat them.
2Arrange the plants in your greenhouse with consideration of how tall different plants will get. Tomato plants will need to sit on the floor while lettuce and spinach can be grown on a higher shelf. Unlike the limitless sky, greenhouses have ceilings and should be considered when arranging the plants.
3Care for your plants regularly. Consistent watering will keep your plants producing nicely. Don't over water, but also, don't allow your plants to dry out either. In a greenhouse, your plants depend on you and you alone since no rain water will reach them.
4Check for disease, fungus and destructive insects on a regular basis. A simple walk through the greenhouse daily can prevent the spread of mass infections and infestations. Any plants that start to show signs of infection may need to be separated from the greenhouse and possibly destroyed.
5Harvest your vegetables when they are ready. Some plants, such as beans, tomatoes, peppers and spinach can be continually picked throughout the season while others, like onions and carrots are picked once and then finished. Without the concern of frost, the greenhouse will allow those constant producers a longer season.