Picnic outings are a fun way for families to spend time together. Most picnics involve food and activities. Picnics are particularly popular in warm weather months. There are many games and activities suitable for both small backyard gatherings and larger outings at parks.
Egg and Spoon Relay Race
This game is good for groups of eight people or more. You will need at least two raw eggs and four spoons to play. Divide the group into two teams with at least four people on each team. Choose a tree or other stationery object in the park or yard that can serve as a race marker. The teams stand in single-file lines with the first person in each line holding an egg in his spoon. The second person in each line holds an empty spoon. The race begins when you yell "Go!" The first person in each line races with his egg-filled spoon once around the tree and back to the group. He passes the egg to the second person in line who will run around the tree and back. This continues until all players on one of the teams has rounded the tree and made it back to their group without breaking their egg.
Blanket Volleyball
Blanket volleyball is a fun game that can be played with four to eight people. All you need is two picnic blankets and a volleyball or soccer ball. If you have only four family members, then divide yourselves into two groups of two. If you have six people, divide the group into two groups of three people and so on. Team members hold the opposite ends of the blanket and place the ball in the middle of it. The ball is "served" by quickly lowering and raising the blanket, making the ball airborne. The opposing team attempts to catch the ball in their blanket and "serves" it back to the other team.
Sack Race
This game requires at least four people and two large empty potato sacks, pillow cases or other large cloth bags. Create your race field, which typically includes a starting line as well as a natural marker, such as a tree, in the distance. Divide the group into two teams. The first person on each team will place their feet and legs into the sacks, holding the open edge in their hands. Then they will hop to the tree and back to the starting line. The next person on the team repeats the same actions. The first team who completes the entire activity is the winner.