Friday, November 29, 2013

How to Increase Your Energy Level

How to Increase Your Energy Level

Do you want to have more energy? Does a lack of it prevent you from accomplishing what you want or need to do? An increased level of energy can definitely contribute to a better quality of life. To increase energy levels, it is vital that you exercise regularly and consume the right diet.



    Consult with a doctor to make sure your low level of energy is not a condition that may require medical help.


    Commit to changing bad habits such as eating junk foods or smoking.


    Devise a program that includes regular exercise and a healthy diet. Or, you may want to get a personal trainer.


    Make a personal promise to commit to your plan.


    Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Walking, stretching and running are some good forms of exercise. It does not have to be strenuous, but you should strive for cardiovascular activities which contribute to better blood flow and oxygen intake to the heart.


    Let your body decide how much exercise you can do. Consult a doctor if you have health conditions which may prevent you from certain types of exercise.


    Eat three meals a day. In addition, you should have healthy snacks throughout the day to provide the fuel you need for increased energy.


    Eat a good breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. Be sure to have a healthy balance of carbohydrates, protein and a small amount of fat. Your body requires a good boost in the morning hours.


    Eat at regular intervals. Skipping a meal will cause blood sugar levels to drop which can lead to fatigue.


    Consume healthy snacks in between meals. These can take the form of fruits, vegetables, light cheese and yogurt, instead of potato chips, candy bars, ice cream or cookies.


    Avoid eating large meals during lunch.


    Avoid fatty and deep fried foods.


    Drink plenty of water


    Get enough sleep. Remember the old adage, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise."