Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to Discourage Skunks in Your Garden

Skunks visit urban gardens in search of a free meal. Grubs, fallen fruit and uneaten pet food are all welcome signs for hungry skunks. Unfortunately, they dig up turf in search of grubs and make life very unpleasant when confronted. Here's how to discourage skunks from visiting your yard. Does this Spark an idea?



    Pick up and remove any uneaten pet food. Skunks are nocturnal and search for food during the night and evening hours. Fido's leftover dinner is a welcome mat to hungry skunks in search of a meal.


    Keep fallen fruit picked up off the ground. Skunks are scavengers and will consume anything edible.


    Use garbage cans with tight-fitting lids. Keep the area around the garbage can clean and free of food debris.


    Turn your compost pile often if you use eggshells, fruit rinds or peels. By keeping the compost pile turned, the compost will heat up and decompose much faster.


    Rid your lawn of grubs and cutworms. Skunks search for insect larvae under the top few inches of soil in lawns. Not only do the skunks do a lot of damage, so do the grubs. Use beneficial nematodes to eliminate grubs from your lawn.


    Eliminate snails and slugs from your garden by raking up fallen plant debris and using copper foil around planting beds. Skunks enjoy a late-night snack of escargot.