Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy which uses learned behaviors to help a family communicate more effectively and to work through issues in a positive and responsive way. Family therapy includes activities intended to heal past family problems and to help the family progress to a healthier way of interacting and relating to one another.
Psychotherapy for Family Healing
Family therapy is best overseen by a professional psychotherapist. During this time, the therapist will pinpoint the family's strengths and use these to overcome their weaknesses. During family therapy, behavior problems are noted in each member of the family, and each member of the family is given assignments to help them overcome problem behavior. Have a family meeting and ask the members of the family the problems they have with each other. Try to find the root problem in each family member, and give each of them a positive and encouraging assignment to help them overcome problem behavior.
Dinner Therapy
Have dinner together every night. Sharing meal time is an important part of family structure and is likely to bring healing. Many experts claim that sharing meal time gives children and parents a sense of unity and dependable structure. Dinner is also an excellent time to inquire about each others' days. Try to keep dinnertime discussion positive, and save problems to be dealt with until after the meal and cleaning-up chores are finished.
Family Vacation
Go on a family vacation. Family vacations are a way of bonding and showing the other family members that spending time together is an important thing to do. Recharge your emotional batteries on a vacation that emphasizes teamwork. Camping, fishing and other outdoor physical activities tend to have positive mental health benefits. A long day on the boat is good because it is quiet and there is little to do but talk and help each other reel in fish.
Play Inquisitive Games
Play games together as a family. Find games that reveal interesting things about the personality traits of other family members. Upbeat inquisitive games may ease the tension for families who wish to reconnect. Choose a card-based game that has opponents make guesses about what other players will answer. Other excellent games are team-based creative games such as Pictionary and Charades.
Extracurricular Student Activities
Get your children involved in extracurricular activities. This gives you numerous opportunities to support their team at the games, and to remind the child that you are on their team. Take the opportunity to drive them to practices to show the child you are willing to make time for them. Discuss the game and practices in a positive manner at dinner, so you have positive matters to discuss. Another great part of extracurricular activities is practicing with your children. While practicing, ask them about their day. Be understanding and compassionate.