Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Outdoor Birthday Games for Kids' Parties

Outdoor Birthday Games for Kids' Parties

Whether your birthday party is in your backyard or at a park, these party games are sure to get the kids moving and having fun. When the weather is perfect, these outdoor party games will go with any themed party. Place the cake and presents on a table outdoors and let the kids enjoy some outdoor games. Does this Spark an idea?

Pop the Puzzle

    You will need large balloons and enough puzzles for two or more teams. Buy puzzles that have 10 to 20 small pieces (make sure to buy all the same puzzle for fairness). Before you blow up the balloons, place one puzzle piece inside each balloon and keep those balloons together. Repeat the steps for the next puzzle and make sure to keep each set of balloons separate. If you have two teams, put the two sets of balloons about 30 feet from the teams in separate piles. When someone says, "go," one team member races to his pile and pops a balloon using his hands, bottom or feet. The teammate retrieves the puzzle piece and races it back to his team, tagging the next person in line. That person will do the same and return tagging the next person in line until all puzzle pieces are retrieved. Once the team has all of its puzzle pieces, it can work on putting it together. The team that puts its puzzle together first wins the game. Have the children stand around a hard table or flat surface so it is easier for them to put the puzzles together.

Pass the Hula Hoop

    Have children stand in a circle and hold hands. An adult will place two hula hoops in the circle by detaching the hands of four children. The object of the game is for the children to get each hula hoop all the way around the circle without letting go of their hands. If you have enough children to make two circles, you can use one hula hoop for each circle and make it a race to see which circle gets its hula hoop around the fastest.

Happy Birthday Game

    Play this game just like the old-fashioned game of Marco Polo. Play the game on land or in the water. Select one child to be "it" and blindfold him. Designate a play area in the backyard. Players cannot run outside of this area. The "it" person will yell "happy" and the other children must yell "birthday." The "it" child will have to find and tag another child by listening to where their voice is coming from. Once he finds someone and tags him, that person will become the new "it."

Indoor Gym Games for Kids

Indoor Gym Games for Kids

Keeping kids physically active is important for a healthy lifestyle. Running and playing outdoors is an excellent way to promote exercise. However, if the weather is not ideal, there are indoor gym games for kids that are just as fun as those played outside. These games just take a bit more of an imagination.

Wombat Ball

    Wombat Ball is similar to baseball but designed for indoor gym play. It uses a wrapped up towel and volleyball instead of a wooden bat and ball.

    You will need one wombat--a beach towel, rolled in the shape of a cone and taped together with athletic tape--volleyball, one orange safety cone and five bases. Place the safety cone in the area where the batter box is or at the beginning of the batting line. The batter must hold the wombat with both hands and may not bunt. The batter gets four pitches to hit a fair ball and is considered out if he throws the bat more than five bat lengths away from home base. The runner may not slide into base or lead off base before the ball is hit and is out if hit by the batted ball while running bases. The runner is allowed one base on any thrown ball that goes out of play. The team playing defense may not stand on top of a base to force an out, block a runner when not possessing the ball or throw the ball at a runner to get an out, but instead must tag the runner on all unforced plays. After three outs or after scoring five runs, the teams switch positions. Only five runs per inning is permitted, unless a team is behind by more than five runs, then they can score as many runs as needed to get ahead by one. This keeps the game much more interesting and fun.

Voyage Across the Ocean

    This game is best played with a larger group of kids. Divide the kids into groups of five or six. You will need two square gym mats, measuring 5 by 5 feet for each group of kids. The idea of this game is to tell the kids that they are on a desert island and need to cross the ocean, which is the gym floor, on two rafts (the gym mats) to get to the other island that has food and water waiting for them. The kids need to figure out how to do this without any group members touching the water (gym floor). This is accomplished by having all team members stand on one mat while carefully pushing the other mat in front and then everyone stepping onto that mat. Of course, do not tell the kids how to do this, the fun is watching them struggle and try to figure out just how to accomplish the task.

Man From Mars

    This game is fun and gives kids lots of exercise. All kids but one stand in a line at one end of the gym. One kid stands in the middle of the gym as the Man from Mars.

    The other kids chant, "Man from Mars, Man from Mars, will you take us to the stars?"

    The child who is the Man from Mars answers with a specific detail like, "Only if you have black on your shirt." Those with black on their shirts get to run to the other end of the gym. The Man from Mars then says, "Go, and the rest of the kids run towards the other end of the gym while trying to avoid being caught by the Man from Mars. Anyone caught then helps the Man from Mars catch kids in the next round.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

How to Use Creeping Phlox in Garden Design

How to Use Creeping Phlox in Garden Design

Creeping phlox is a wonderful asset to any spring garden, whether a shady woodland garden or a bed that welcomes full sun and little water. This is not the result of a miracle plant. "Creeping phlox" is the correct descriptor for a native plant, Phlox stolonifera, which thrives in moist semi-shaded settings, and a favorite nursery plant, Phlox subulata, with a higher tolerance for heat and dryness. Contact your local native plant society to find out about Phlox stolonifera in your area. Learn to use the more adaptable Phlox subulata in a variety of landscaping designs. Does this Spark an idea?


Shape, Size and Colors


    Measure the length and width of the area you would like to cover with phlox subulata. You will need enough plants to set them 2 feet apart in rows 2 feet apart. A mature phlox plant can cover an area totalling 1 foot to 18 inches, and you will see substantial growth even during the first year. Within two years, you can reasonably expect the entire space to be covered by this aggressive plant.


    Purchase Phlox subulata in your desired colors. Phlox subulata can be found in shades of red, lavender, pink and white. An area like a rock garden, where plants are separated from each other, welcomes a variety of colors. A dull slope in danger of eroding can be turned into a dramatic single-color statement, while plants also assure stabilization of the soil.


    Plan companions for your phlox once blooms fade. By late spring, you will be left with low (4- to 6-inch-high) mounds of fine dark needles that form an attractive but somewhat monotonous background for other plants. Since phlox subulata will tolerate some dappled or partial shade, consider open-branched shrubs like red ozier dogwood, which offer interesting summer foilage and fall bark interest. Back a wide swath of phlox with daylilies; their contrasting foliage textures and summer bloom colors provide a bright summer look.

Other Places to Plant Phlox


    Tuck Phlox subulata into any rock garden. Its low mounds will not overwhelm other rock plants, and its bright spring colors brighten any rocky slope.


    Edge stone walls or other visually "hard" surfaces with phlox subulata. Before and after bloom, phlox mounds cascade over and soften rigid lines in landscaping.


    Edge large planters with phlox subulata and fill the centers with spring bulbs. You will extend your spring color season. When bulb foliage dies back, refill the center with New Zealand impatiens, Gerbera daisies or other strong-hued annuals that can float over a soft sea of cascading green.

Campgrounds at Buena Vista Lake in Bakersfield, California

Campgrounds at Buena Vista Lake in Bakersfield, California

The Buena Vista Lakes consist of two lakes: Lake Webb at 998 surface acres and Lake Evans at 86 surface acres. Buena Vista Lake boosts three splendid campsites, coupled with an array of hiking trails. The temperatures rise to the 90s F in the summer days and sink into the 60s in the night. If planning to camp in the winter, be prepared as the days rise to highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s.

Buena Vista Aquatic Recreation Area Family Campsites

    As a family campsite, children can enjoy the several installations of children's playgrounds; one is even in the shape of a giant toy soldier. Activities include: fishing, boating, jet-skiing, camping (for families and large groups), picnicking and bicycling. The campsite holds two concession buildings, three covered picnic areas reserved for large groups and numerous other picnic areas throughout the campsite.

Rosedale Village Campland

    Rosedale Village Campland offers 155 grassy campsites. Each site includes planted citrus and nut trees, a picnic table and patio. Cable TV is available as well as playgrounds and barbecue. Tours of wineries are offered to travelers. Weekly and monthly rates are available for those planning short or longer term stays.

Valle Vista Campground

    Open all year, Valle Vista Campground offers family and group campsites. Restrooms and showers are available as well as RV hookups. The campground even has Wi-Fi access and is handicap accessible.

Fishing Amenities

    Since the lake is recently man-made, fish need to be added to the lake every year from nearby the California Aqueduct. The lake holds catfish, stripers, largemouth bass, rainbow trout, crappie and bluegill. Some of the trout are up to 12 pounds. Since boating is permitted on the lakes, it is best to fish in the early morning or late evening.

How to Cold Weather Camp in Your RV

As the weather gets colder, many campers put their RVs away for the winter. There is so much to see and do during the winter season, and enjoying these activities from the comfort of your RV can be a refreshing experience, if you prepare your RV for the cold.



    Examine your RV's plumbing to determine what measures you must take to prevent damage from freezing temperatures. Some RVs have plumbing exposed to the outside elements. In this case, wrap the exposed plumbing with heat tape and foam pipe insulation.


    The plumbing system includes the holding tanks. Some RVs have enclosed holding tanks that are heated by the RV's furnace through heater ducting to the holding tank areas. As long as the furnace runs occasionally, these tanks won't freeze unless it's very cold (below 20 F).

    For those tanks that are not heated or enclosed, affix tank heating pads to the bottoms of the tanks. These are very easy to install, thermostatically controlled, and come in both 12-volt DC and 110-volt AC.


    Yet another part of the RV plumbing system is the holding tank piping and dump valves. Some high-end RVs have these pipes and valves enclosed and heated from the factory. For most RVs though, they are exposed to the elements. As with the plumbing pipes, these pipes and valves can be protected by wrapping them with heat tape.


    You should keep your gray and black water valves closed until you are ready to dump your holding tanks. If gray water constantly allowed to drain, it will eventually form an ice dam in your sewer hose. As an alternative, you could also try insulating and wrapping heat tape around your sewer hose if you want to leave the gray water valve open. In any case, be absolutely certain that your sewer hose is at a steep angle where liquids drain rapidly and are not allowed to stand. Using a sewer hose support will help with this.


    Another area subject to freezing is the fresh water supply hose. You can use a heated water hose to prevent freezing. This is a good option if you are in a campground with full hookups. They run on either 12 volts DC or 110 volts AC.


    To reduce drafts and heating requirements, insulate your RV's windows against the cold with heavy drapes or curtains. You can create an insulating dead-air space inside of the windows by covering them with clear, heavy vinyl.


    The roof vents are an area where heat can escape. There are foam-type pillows specifically made to be placed in the vent openings. These fit snugly and greatly reduce heat loss.


    If you have a motorhome, hang a heavy blanket or privacy curtain between the driver's compartment and the rest of the motorhome. This will block the cold radiated by a motorhome's windshield. This works well whether you have a Class A, B or C motorhome because they all have large windshields.


    Any compartments that open into the inside of the RV need to have good weather seals. Adding some inexpensive foam tape or weatherstripping to the compartment openings and doors will help seal those air leaks.


    Now that the RV is sealed tight from air leaks, there may be a problem with condensation. Moisture from cooking, washing and just breathing raises the humidity inside the RV. As it gets colder, this moisture condenses on cooler inside surfaces like window frames and doors. This can lead to mold and mildew, and water stains. The best way to prevent condensation is to avoid introducing excessive moisture into the air. A good practice is to always use the range hood vent when cooking and the bathroom vent when showering. These will draw most of the moisture out of the rig. It may be necessary to keep a roof vent open slightly to provide some ventilation and keep condensation in check. Insulating exposed surfaces that tend to collect moisture will also help. A small dehumidifier or some tubs of desiccant crystals may be necessary, depending on the RV and how many people are staying in it.


    Consider how the RV is going to be heated. Portable electric heaters are a great supplement to the propane furnace. This method of heating doesn't add condensation to the air and allows the propane furnace to run considerably less, saving a lot of propane. Catalytic heaters are another way to provide assistance to the propane furnace, but require fresh-air ventilation to avoid oxygen depletion in the RV.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Maranda Enterprises Rollors

  • 2010 Dr. Toy Top 10 Active Games
  • 2010 Creative Child Seal of Excellence Award
  • Large wooden pieces feel great in your hands
  • Combines the fun of horseshoes, bocce ball and bowling
  • Great for barbeques, family reunions, graduations, vacations, out in the backyard or on the beach!

Special Offer: check this out!

Related Products

    Product Description
    This brand new game is rolling across America. The game was designed by an Airforce Airmen flying 35,000 feet over Afgahnistan, while he was thinking about being back home with family relaxing in the yard playing games. Rollors combines the fun of horseshoes, bocce ball and bowling. Combining both skill and luck, players are always still "in the game". The large wooden pieces are durable, well made and feel great in your hands. This game has all of the elements to be an instant classic. You will spend hours having fun with family and friends playing Rollors. Great for barbeques, family reunions, graduations, vacations, out in the backyard or on the beach.

    Compatible Garden Vegetables

    Compatible Garden Vegetables

    Planting compatible vegetables is a gardener's secret to a successful harvest.

    Grow your own vegetables to add healthful and fresh produce to your menu and take advantage of compatible plants that increase each other's yield. Tall corn shades lettuce or spinach and fast-growing lettuce leaves room for slower-growing tomatoes later in the season. Compatible plants repel pests and attract beneficial ones, use your space more efficiently and reduce your workload. Does this Spark an idea?


      Asparagus produces bumper crops when planted close to basil, tomatoes and parsley. Onions and garlic grow well with beets, carrots, lettuce and parsley, while potatoes like beans, corn, eggplant and cabbage. Carrots, turnips, cabbage, corn and beans go well with peas while tomatoes like celery, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chives, parsley and carrots.

      Grow lettuce with strawberries, radish, onions, carrots and cucumbers for best results. Beans, peas, radish and corn grow well with cucumbers. Celery, potatoes, corn and cucumber benefit bush beans while celery is compatible with onion, beans, tomatoes and the cabbage family.


      Group compatible plants for their benefits but beware that some plants can cause damage. Brassicas (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale and kohlrabi) are visibly dwarfed when grown with tomatoes, strawberries or pole beans. Tomatoes don't like corn, cabbage, potatoes or fennel. Onions, chives and garlic shouldn't be grown near peas or bush beans and keep potatoes away from cucumbers, pumpkins, squash and tomatoes.

    Pest Defense

      Companion plants don't just benefit each other's growth, they repel pests to keep each other healthy. Chives repel aphids and spider mites. Mix eggplants, snap beans, basil and horseradish among your potatoes to repel the Colorado potato beetle. Tomatoes and peppers also repel the potato bug.

      Tomato plants keep the asparagus beetle from feasting on asparagus while asparagus plants kill the nematodes that feed on tomatoes. Plant tomatoes, onions, garlic and sage around cabbage to deter the devastation from cabbage worms in cool climate zones north of Pennsylvania. Draw potato bugs away from your spuds by attracting them to eggplants.

    Flower Power

      Brightly-colored marigolds are a natural pest repellent.
      Brightly-colored marigolds are a natural pest repellent.

      Flowers add color to your garden, help your vegetables grow and keep plants healthy by repelling pests in a process called Edible Landscaping.

      Put marigolds near tomatoes to repel aphids, which would otherwise suck the life out of the tomato fruits. Marigolds, along with radishes and nasturtiums, keep squash bugs away from vine vegetables like pumpkins, cucumbers and squash. Larkspur poisons Japanese beetles that prey on corn, asparagus and rhubarb. These beetles also avoid the odor of geraniums. Put peppermint in pots around your garden to reduce aphids and repel ants, cabbage moths and spider mites. Peppermint is an invasive herb, so contain it in pots while enjoying its refreshing flavor. Nasturtiums attract aphids and flea beetles. Plant a bunch to draw these away from your tomatoes.

    Green Exquisite Appearance Digital LED Mirror Watch with Soft Rubber Material

    • Digital LED watch with soft rubber bracelet.
    • Body Material: Stainless steel. Shell and Wrist Material: silicone.
    • High Quality LED watch, Exquisite appearance, Silicone Case & strap.
    • Clasp: Buckle System, 4 function buttons for time Setting.
    • Power: CR2016 (x1) pre-installed.

    Special Offer: check this out!

    Related Products

      Product Description
      Watch dimensions:
      - Body: 42 x 40 x 10 mm.
      - Bracelet: Length-200 mm with 10 holes for wrist adjustment.
      Color: Green.

      What's In The Box:
      1 * Green Digital LED watch with soft rubber bracelet.

      ePathDirect After Service: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee, 12 Months Warranty!

      How to Increase Your Energy Level

      How to Increase Your Energy Level

      Do you want to have more energy? Does a lack of it prevent you from accomplishing what you want or need to do? An increased level of energy can definitely contribute to a better quality of life. To increase energy levels, it is vital that you exercise regularly and consume the right diet.



        Consult with a doctor to make sure your low level of energy is not a condition that may require medical help.


        Commit to changing bad habits such as eating junk foods or smoking.


        Devise a program that includes regular exercise and a healthy diet. Or, you may want to get a personal trainer.


        Make a personal promise to commit to your plan.


        Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Walking, stretching and running are some good forms of exercise. It does not have to be strenuous, but you should strive for cardiovascular activities which contribute to better blood flow and oxygen intake to the heart.


        Let your body decide how much exercise you can do. Consult a doctor if you have health conditions which may prevent you from certain types of exercise.


        Eat three meals a day. In addition, you should have healthy snacks throughout the day to provide the fuel you need for increased energy.


        Eat a good breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. Be sure to have a healthy balance of carbohydrates, protein and a small amount of fat. Your body requires a good boost in the morning hours.


        Eat at regular intervals. Skipping a meal will cause blood sugar levels to drop which can lead to fatigue.


        Consume healthy snacks in between meals. These can take the form of fruits, vegetables, light cheese and yogurt, instead of potato chips, candy bars, ice cream or cookies.


        Avoid eating large meals during lunch.


        Avoid fatty and deep fried foods.


        Drink plenty of water


        Get enough sleep. Remember the old adage, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise."

      Thursday, November 28, 2013

      Beach Party Games for Adults

      Beach Party Games for Adults

      When the summer heat rolls in, you want to cool down and take some time to relax. You want to truly enjoy yourself, invite some friends to head to the beach or even your backyard for a beach-themed party. Aside from the food, conversation and ambiance, make sure you have plenty of adult party games to keep your guests entertained.

      Musical Beach Towels

        Give your adult party guests a chance to dance around like children by playing this game. Begin by placing a line of towels on the sand, enough so you have enough for every player minus one. Have the players surround the beach towels and turn on some surfer music. The partiers then dance around the beach towels, one in front of the other. At a random moment, turn the music off. The players all have to hop on to one of the beach towels to stay in the game. Any player left out gets eliminated. After every round, take away a beach towel. Continue for several rounds until only one player remains, winning the game.

      Surfing the Waves

        This game involves a beach version of the mechanical bull. Assemble your group on the sand, in the pool or even in the ocean. Pick one player to stand on top of a surfboard. Have the rest of the players place their hands beneath it. When you say "Go," the players begin to shake the board in order to topple the person standing on it into the ocean, soft sand or pool. Time every player that attempts this. After everyone has gone, award the player who had the best time. For more of a challenge, have stronger adult players hold the surfboard up and shake it while standing.

      Beach Ball Relay

        Begin this game by setting up a starting point and a finish line around the party area. Divide the players into two teams and have both teams stand a few feet apart behind the starting point. Hand the first players of both teams a beach ball and have them place the ball between their legs. When you say "Go," the first players race to the finish line at the opposite side of the play area, and then race back to their teams. If a player drops the beach ball, he has to start over from the beginning. The game ends when one teamthe winning teamfinishes the race before its opponents.

      How to Pack for a Camping Trip

      The wilderness can be unforgiving, even with the proper gear. The last
      thing you want is to reach a remote destination and find that you
      forgot something essential. Develop a plan to guarantee that you're
      well equipped.



        Establish a staging area. Use a corner of your garage or living room and pile gear there prior to packing. If you have the space, begin moving gear to the staging area several days ahead of time. This prevents overloading your brain at the last minute.


        Take a good look at your gear pile when you think it's complete. Spend a minute reviewing your checklist and check everything on it.


        Pack your clothing. You want to layer your clothing to meet changing temperatures and conditions. Pack spare clothing in case you get wet. Avoid cotton unless your trip is in a very warm climate--cotton dries slowly and offers no insulation when wet. Synthetic long underwear and jackets are best. Include a warm wool or fleece hat.


        Test your gear before you go. Know how to operate your camp stove, and bring the proper fuel.


        Purchase several small and medium nylon bags (stuff sacks) to divide your gear. Cooking gear can go in one bag, first aid items in another bag, and so on.


        Plan your water supply. If water is scarce, consider having a large water bladder in your pack, such as those made by Camelback. In addition to offering a high capacity, water bladders have a hose that allows you to drink while you're on the move. Water purification tablets are indispensable.


        Buy a good sleeping pad or two. Many people like to stack a fulllength sleeping pad on top of a shorter one. The extra warmth and comfort makes the weight and bulk worthwhile. Camping stores have several brands of pads, from $20 to $100.


        Plan your meals ahead, so you'll be guaranteed to have enough food. For short camping stints, your grocery list might include milk, butter, cheese and crackers, bread, buns, vegetables, fruit, dried and/or fresh, meat (burgers, hot dogs, shish kabobs), canned foods (chili and soup), condiments and spices, trail mix, energy bars, cookies, s'mores fixings, soda, juice, tea, cocoa, cider, coffee and alcoholic beverages.


        Weigh luxuries against absolute necessities (for instance, a handheld GPS is fun and helpful, but a map and compass work fine, too). Your specific destination may require additional gear or far less, if weight is an issue.

      GSI Outdoors Infinity 4 person Multicolor Deluxe Tableset

      • Color-coded 4-person deluxe table set designed for car camping
      • Four 6-inch bowls with lids and four 9-inch plates
      • Four 17-ounce insulated mugs and four 12-ounce glasses
      • Mugs include insulated EVA sleeves and no-spill Sip-It lids
      • Stores in stuff sack; measures 9.3 x 9.6 x 9.3 inches (W x H x D)

      Special Offer: check this out!

      Related Products
        Enjoy a full outdoor feast while at the campsite with the Infinity four-person deluxe table set. The color-coded tableware system includes four 6-inch bowls with lids, four 17-ounce insulated mugs, four 12-ounce drinking glasses, four 9-inch plates, and a mesh stuff sack--in short, everything you need for a meal of pasta, soup, hot chocolate, and ice water.

        The dishes nest together for easy storage and packing. The tableware's color coding makes it easy for individuals to identify their respective dishes and keep them separate. Plus, the unique mugs include insulated EVA sleeves and specially designed Sip-It lids to keep beverages hot and prevent spills.

        Each dish is made of Infinity clear polypropylene, an ultra-lightweight, completely recyclable, BPA-free alternative to polycarbonate resins. Not only is Infinity dishware 25 percent lighter than polycarbonate dishes, but it won't absorb odors like other plastics and will not leach plasticizers or other chemicals into either foods or beverages. Infinity pieces remain strong in both hot and cold conditions and are so light that they actually remain buoyant when filled with water. They're even dishwasher-safe, becoming more stain-resistant with every wash.

        And when it's time to pack up your stuff, the dishes nest together and fit snugly inside the mesh stuff sack. Packing up couldn't be easier.

        Dish capacity: Up to 4 people Product use: Car camping Material: Clear polypropylene Dimensions: 9.3 by 9.6 by 9.3 inches (W x H x D) Weight: 3 pounds 6 ounces In the box: Four 9-inch plates, four 6-inch bowls, four 17-ounce insulated mugs, four Sip-It lids, four 12-ounce glasses, mesh stuff sack

        About GSI Outdoors
        GSI opened its doors in 1985, after a small group of British Columbian siblings made their way down the West Coast to San Diego. Beginning with a few pieces of blue enamelware and a smattering of campfire accessories, GSI Outdoors grew through the years to include full design, manufacturing, sales, and marketing departments, all tasked with developing and marketing an ever-more-innovative line of outdoor cookware, tableware, and accessories. Siblings Don, Ian, and Kathy Scott eventually relocated to Spokane, Washington, where they continue to define innovation through the creation of unique, imaginative, and fun products that reassert their enthusiasm for the outdoors. GSI Outdoors is still a small, privately held company, with no obligation to shareholders, a corporate board, or anyone else aside from its customers and employees.

        Wednesday, November 27, 2013

        Senior Mobile Home Parks in Las Vegas

        Senior Mobile Home Parks in Las Vegas

        Las Vegas is home to many senior (55 plus) communities. From golf course living to views of the famous Las Vegas Strip, these active adult communities offer a lot to the residents: community activities, group exercise, games and more. Find a senior mobile home community that is tailored to fit your needs.

        River Oaks Senior Mobile Home Community

          The River Oak Mobile Home Community is centrally located near the famous Las Vegas Strip and downtown Las Vegas. The community is close to a variety of shopping venues and restaurants and has easy access to freeways. The River Oaks has two- and three-bedroom mobile homes and has the capacity for 306 lots. Community amenities include a gym, pool and spa, clubhouse and a banquet room for entertaining.

          River Oaks Senior Mobile Home Community

          5300 East Desert Inn Road

          Las Vegas, NV 89122


        The Meadows Active Adult Community

          The Meadows is a manufactured homes adult community five minutes from the Las Vegas Strip and close to world-class golf courses, casual and fine dinning and shopping. The Meadows is a gated senior community with 24-hour security. Some amenities include a clubhouse, arts and crafts room, card room, ballroom with a dance floor, fitness center, sauna and spa and multiple pools. The community has two- and three-bedroom floor plans and all manufactured homes include a two-car garage carport.

          The Meadows Active Adult Community

          2900 South Valley View Boulevard

          Las Vegas, NV 89102


        La Villa Vegas Mobile Home Park

          The La Villa Vegas is a smaller senior mobile home park privately owned and operated. It's close to shopping centers and restaurants, and The Desert Pines golf course is just a short drive away. The La Villa Vegas offers free high-speed Internet for residents and has an outdoor pool for relaxing. The park welcomes pets to this 67-lot community.

          La Villa Vegas Mobile Home Park

          1190 Mojave Road

          Las Vegas, NV 89104


        PEET Dryer M97-FSB Original 2-Shoe Electric Dryer, Black

        • Eliminates odors caused by perspiration and bacteria
        • Removes contaminants like viruses and mold that can cause skin irritation and premature deterioration of materials
        • Extends the life of footwear and gear
        • Patented PEET DryPorts circulate air for thorough drying
        • Gentle, thermal convection rises through air chambers to dry footwear naturally

        Special Offer: check this out!

        Related Products

 Product Description
          The M97-FSB Original PEET Dryer is a clever, easy-to-use device that's designed to remove moisture, odor, and bacteria from your footwear and gear. This dryer effectively circulates air to dry and warm all types of footwear without damaging fabrics. What's more, the Original PEET uses less energy than an average light bulb, and it is safe enough to leave plugged in overnight, so you can wake up to warm and dry footwear.

          The M97-FSB Original
          PEET Dryer
          At a Glance:
          Eliminates odors, arrests bacteriaPatented PEET DryPorts and AirChambersLarge, sturdy base for heavy bootsSafe for use with shoes/boots made of almost any material25-year limited warranty

          Improves Health, Comfort, and Shoe Life
          Wet footwear can cause mold, fungus, and skin irritation, but with the efficient and effective Original PEET, you can dry your shoes to eliminate odors and get cozy, healthier feet. What's more, this dryer will help extend the life of your gear by eliminating sweat and mold that can cause deterioration.

          Dries and Warms Footwear Safely
          The Original PEET has a patented design that draws in air through vents in the base of the dryer for warming. The warmed air is routed through the PEET AirChambers to the DryPorts, which gently directs airflow to thoroughly dry your shoes. The mild, thermal convection makes the Original PEET perfectly safe to leave plugged in overnight, which means the dryer can also double as a warm storage place for your next day's pair of shoes.

          The M97-FSB Original PEET Dryer features two shoe-shaped DryPorts for one pair of shoes. Like all PEET dryers, the Original is safe for use with footwear and gear made from almost any material, including leather, canvas, rubber, vinyl, cloth, plastic, and all modern fabrics.

          Silent and Energy Efficient
          The M97-FSB Original PEET Dryer works silently and uses less energy than a 40-watt bulb. Natural thermal convection raises air through the AirChambers to dry footwear effectively and efficiently.

          Warranty Information
          PEET offers a 30-day money back guarantee if your M97-FSB Original PEET Dryer fails to operate as advertised. Also, this dryer is backed by a 25-year limited warranty.

          What's in the Box
          M97-FSB Original PEET Dryer and two Footwear DryPorts.

          Tuesday, November 26, 2013

          COMBO SET YONEX Badminton

          • racket frame: steel
          • shaft made of steel
          • comes in a case for rackets and shuttlecocks

          Special Offer: check this out!

          Related Products

            Product Description
            Set includes 2 racquets and 2 nylon shuttlecocks and a case

            MLB St. Louis Cardinals Medium Family Decal Set

            • Officially licensed MLB product
            • Outdoor rated
            • Repositionable
            • 12 individual characters
            • Great for car or home

            Special Offer: check this out!

            Product Description
            Show off your team pride with our St. Louis Cardinals family automotive decals. The set includes 12 individual family themed decals that each feature the team logo. The 6" x 11" decal set is made of outdoor rated, repositionable vinyl for durability and easy application.

            Things to Do for Kids at Home

            These days kids have many places to go and have fun. They can go and play at a park, go to a movie theater, play on a sports team, go to local video arcades and visit carnivals or theme parks. However, on those occasions when finding entertainment outside of the home is not an option, there are many things to do for kids at home to keep them busy.

            Arts and Crafts

              Completing an arts and crafts project is a very popular activity for kids to do at home. Kids can complete arts and crafts projects alone or with the help of a parent. A wide variety of different arts and crafts projects exist that are appropriate for both younger and older kids. Arts and crafts projects are a good way to keep kids busy while encouraging the use of creativity and imagination. Popular arts and crafts projects for kids include drawing or coloring pictures, making macaroni necklaces, paper mache, finger painting and jewelry making. Those looking to try something different can use recipes to make their own play dough, silly putty or candles at home. These projects will keep kids busy while they are making the item and give them something to play with once they are done.

            Outdoor Games

              When kids must remain at home, that does not necessarily mean that they must remain indoors. Kids who live in a house that has a backyard can still play outdoor sports games on a small scale. There are several outdoor games that kids can play at home that do not require the presence of an entire sports team. Kids can play small scale versions of these games using a group of two or three kids or with a parent. These games include basketball, hop scotch, racing, baseball, and jump rope. If it is warm outside, kids may also enjoy camping in their backyard. Playing outdoor games is a good way for kids to stay busy at home and still get plenty of exercise.

            Indoor Games

              Kids who are at home on a rainy day or who do not have access to a backyard can still find fun things to do. When outdoor games are not an option, kids can still have fun playing indoor games. Board games are a popular type of indoor game that allows kids to interact with one another and remain busy for hours. Board games come in a variety of styles and levels for different age ranges. Kids may also want to try indoor camping. With a little imagination, it can be just as much fun as camping outdoors.

            Video Games

              Some parents feel that their kids play too many video games and try to limit the amount of time that their kids spend on them. However, instead of banning video games altogether, parents may want to encourage their kids to play more educational video games. Some video games can be a surprisingly educational activity for kids to do at home. In addition to the common fighting and racing video games that most kids play, there are numerous educational video games that are available on a variety of subjects. Kids can use these video games to study the subjects that they are having trouble in or they can use them as a tool in order to learn something new.


              Reading is another activity that kids can do at home. It is a way that kids can both relax and remain occupied. Kids can either read on their own, read to one another or have a parent read to them. Parents may choose to purchase books that match their kids' interests and reading levels or get them a library card. In addition to traditional books, kids may also enjoy magazines for young readers. These magazines center around various themes and are tailored towards different age ranges. Kids will have fun reading the stories as well as completing the accompanying games and puzzles.

            Monday, November 25, 2013

            What Kind of Woman Does a Capricorn Man Want?

            What Kind of Woman Does a Capricorn Man Want?

            A Capricorn man is ambitious, patient and romantic. When he knows what he wants, he has no problems taking the proper steps to get her. He's very strategic, almost scientific in the way he goes about taking charge with a special girl he likes. If you've got your sights set on courting a Capricorn man, know if your personality fits the bill for what he wants.

            His Taste

              Capricorn men find beauty in simple ways. So you might attract him most when you're just in a jogging outfit running errands with a ponytail on the top of your head. Natural beauties will take the cake with this type of man because he doesn't require you to be super made-up. Capricorn men are more attracted to your mind than your body. However, this doesn't mean that he's not able to appreciate your efforts. Opt for more natural make-up and clothes that accentuate your figure over those that overexpose it. With him, it's better to have none at all than too much.

            His Personality

              When you look for the word "traditional" as it relates to romance and relationships, your Capricorn man's face is in the dictionary right next to this definition. To initially attract him, you need not go overboard. You're likely to be the one who will initiate a conversation with him because he's more introverted at heart. He will be cautious at first so as to not make the mistake of getting his heart damaged as a result of a bad decision. He will fall head-over-heels for you if your personality is friendly, feminine and direct. He's not a game-player so if you say you're interested in seeing him again, know that he's making plans to make your date memorable. He's very attentive and nurturing. If you tend to fight off guys because you're too busy proving that you don't need a man in your life and can do everything solo, you're going to strike out with this guy.

            His Work Ethic

              Capricorn men are drawn to success and lead the zodiac in the area of personal finance and professional achievement. To fit in his busy work lifestyle, show him you understand his hard work by supporting him. You will frequently be left alone while he's out working late or get rescheduled because of a busy work schedule. No need to accuse him of cheating, he takes pride in his ability to "bring home the bacon" and will wonder if you will be a good match in supporting his lifestyle. He needs to know that you can accompany him to company dinners and play along nicely at the corporate retreat. He's not a fan of all work-no play as he definitely appreciates a balance in his work-play lifestyle. However, if you can understand his craving for success, you'll be around for the times when he can relax and enjoy himself in "play" mode.

            His Passion

              Get ready to be pleased with this lover if you like playful adventure in the bedroom. He wants to please you, and most importantly he wants you to like for him to please you. You should have plenty of stamina to keep up with his craving for sex on a regular basis, even within the span of a few hours. It's not mandatory for you to bring out whips and chains, just know that he has a creative imagination and fantasizes about a variety of ways to please you sexually.

            His Relationship

              A Capricorn man won't stop working on his relationship, so neither should you. He believes in tradition and values the idea of family. He's completely content settling down, starting a family and having the best possible life he can. To win his heart for the long haul, you'll need to show him you want the same things. If you also have a love for tradition, building a family and starting something solid, be ready to settle down as you see your relationship progressing.

            Easy Foods to Take Camping

            Proper food is probably the most important part of camping outdoors. Unless you're prepared to lug a cooler with you, you can't keep things properly refrigerated. Moreover, even coolers lose their effectiveness by the second or third day in the wilderness. Unless you want to cut things short and troop down to the nearest grocery store, it's important to choose your food carefully. Like the rest of your equipment, it should be portable and durable, with the nutritional value to keep you going and an ease of preparation that lets you eat it with nothing more than an open fire or a Coleman stove.

            Canned Foods

              Canned foods make for ideal dinner supplies when camping. They are non-perishable, won't be damaged by being jostled around in a backpack, and you can prepare most of them simply through the heating process. Soups and stews are among the best canned meals , as are chili and canned pasta. If you want to prepare more elaborate meals, consider canned vegetables and similar ingredients. They'll keep better than fresh samples.

            Dried Fruit

              Fresh fruit is generally a no-no while camping: it makes a mess when squashed and you need to eat it within the first day or so. But dried fruits, such as raisins, prunes and dried apricots, stay good for longer periods of time and can stand the jostling of a pack during long hikes.

            Rice and Pasta

              Dried rice and pasta can keep for years and contain carbohydrates to help keep energy levels up. You generally need to boil them in water, but if you can manage that , they make excellent staples. You can add canned sauces on top of them or mix them with stew to add a little flavor to your meal.

            Nuts and Jerky

              Dried nuts are easy camping food, not only for their portability, but also because they are high in protein, which helps keep energy high. Use them in trail mix to keep going on the path. Beef jerky and turkey jerky are similarly high in protein, and they last much longer than fresh meat without the danger of spoilage.

            Breakfast Fixings

              Breakfast foods should conform to the same standards as other camping food. Stay away from fresh fruits or raw eggs. Instead, look for breakfast bars or dried cereal, which retain their freshness for extended periods of time. Freeze-dried eggs and powdered milk can be used if you're intent on having scrambled eggs over a campfire.

            Indoor Field Day Games for Kids

            Indoor Field Day Games for Kids

            Field day is a much anticipated activity at many schools. Field days are often held outside toward the last day of school and involve physical outdoor games. However, sometimes having an outdoor field day is not an option, due to weather or space. Or maybe you want to have a field day activity in the middle of the school year. There are plenty of games and activities you can do indoors for a slightly different, yet still memorable, field day.

            Carnival Games

              Indoor carnival games can be entertaining for children. A few ideas include games such as a beanbag toss, fishing pond, ring toss, indoor bowling or bingo. You could also line up several buckets and have the children toss ping pong balls into the buckets. These games don't require a lot of space, and they are fairly easy to set up. Another plus is that all kids can take a turn to play so you won't have anyone feeling left out.

            Sock Wars

              Roll several pairs of socks into balls and divide them into two piles. Divide the children into teams and have each team on one side of the room, with a piece of tape marking the middle of the room. The children throw the sock balls across the room at the other team. The object of the game is to have the fewest number of sock balls on your side of the room when a buzzer is sounded. A variation of this could also be sock basketball, where you toss the sock balls into a wastebasket. The team with the most baskets wins.

            Yarn Ball

              Give each child a rolled up ball of yarn. Have the children hold on to one end of the string and toss the ball. Mark the spot where the ball lands. The child who can throw the ball farthest across the room wins.


              Fill a small tub with random objects. Put a number of colored marbles in with the objects. Each student has 20 seconds to see how many marbles she can find. The child with the most marbles wins.

            Ring on a String

              Put a small ring (a shower curtain ring works well) on a large piece of string. Divide the class into two teams and have each team sit in a circle. Give a ring on a string to each team. Form the strings into circles, with each child holding onto part of the string. See how fast the students can pass the ring from one person to the next on the string.

            Mummy Relay

              Divide the class up into small groups of three to four people. Give each group a roll of toilet paper. Each group must wrap one of the children with the toilet paper. The group that uses the roll of toilet paper first to make a mummy wins.

            Sunday, November 24, 2013

            List of Field Day Games for Kids

            List of Field Day Games for Kids

            Field Day is a popular tradition at many elementary schools across the country. It is a fun way for kids to celebrate the end of the school year. The day traditionally consists of a variety of outdoor games and activities for children, similar to a carnival. Make your Field Day a success by customizing a variety of activities that will suit your school. Choose games that combine physical activity and enjoyment of the outdoors for the optimal Field Day experience.

            Wet Sponge Toss

              This activity helps kids cool off from the outside heat. Make two rows of buckets sitting across from each other and fill with water. Place large sponges inside the buckets on one side. Have children line up, with one child at each bucket. Time the children for one minute. When time begins, children can pick up the sponges and throw them across to a partner on the opposite side, dipping the sponges in the water bucket each time. Rather than keeping score, children will enjoy trying to get their partners as wet as possible.

            Water Balloon Volleyball

              This is another water activity that children will enjoy. Set up a volleyball net in a grassy area and divide children into two teams. You will need balloons filled with water as well as a towel for each pair of children. Partners hold opposite ends of a towel and use it to catapult water balloons back and forth over the net. Use the same basic rules as in regular volleyball.

            Beanbag Horseshoes

              This game is played similar to horseshoes, but with the use of beanbags and hula hoops instead of horseshoes and stakes. Make a starting line and place two hula hoops behind the line at a distance that is appropriate for the specific grade level. You can play with two students competing against each other, or two teams competing, with one student from each team playing at a time. Give each student a point for each beanbag that lands inside the hula hoop. The student or team with the most points is the winner.

            Basketball Speed

              This outdoor game requires minimal setup. All you need is two basketballs and a basketball hoop. Have children line up behind the free throw line of the basketball hoop. Give a basketball to each of the first two players in line. Play begins when the first student shoots the ball. As soon as the first player shoots, the second player can begin shooting. If the first player misses the basket, he continues to shoot. Once he makes a basket, he gives the ball to the next player in line and moves to the back of the line. If the second player makes a basket before the first player, the first player is out of the game. Play continues down the line until only one player remains.

            How to Grow a Crystal Garden

            How to Grow a Crystal Garden

            Crystal gardens are a fun project for children who are learning about geology. By growing a crystal garden, children can learn how solid crystals are formed from a liquid solution. Crystals are easy to grow in a variety of colors, sizes and shapes. Table salt and Epsom salt are both useful ingredients of crystal gardens. With some water and salt, you can create a small crystal garden in a few hours and grow large crystals over a few days. Does this Spark an idea?


            Table Salt Garden


              Heat 1 to 2 cups of water to boiling and transfer it to a mixing bowl. You can heat the water in a microwave or on a stove.


              Pour equal amounts of table salt, ammonia and bluing into the water, stirring as you pour. For example, for every 1 cup of water you use, add 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of ammonia and 1 cup of bluing. Stir until you saturate the water and no more salt will dissolve. You can add more salt as necessary.


              Place a rough rock into the bottom of a glass jar or bowl and pour the saturated solution over the rock. The rock will give the crystals a place to start growing. You can also use frayed cotton string or a seed crystal of the same substance if you do not have a rough rock. Tumbled, or polished, rocks do not work well for crystal gardens.


              Place the jar on a counter at room temperature. Check the solution in six hours. Salt crystals will begin to form quickly, and increase in size over the next three days. Let the solution sit until the crystals are as large as they will grow. You will know that the crystals are finished growing when they do not increase in size over a 24-hour period.


              Pour any remaining solution out of the jar or bowl once the crystals are fully grown.

            Epsom Salt Gardens


              Heat 1 to 2 cups of water and transfer it to a mixing bowl. Do not boil the water.


              Pour an equal amount of Epsom salt into the water, stirring as you pour. For example, for every 1 cup of water you use, add 1 cup of Epsom salt. Stir until you saturate the water and no more Epsom salt will dissolve. Add more Epsom salt to the solution as needed.


              Pour the saturated solution over the rock. The rock will give the crystals a place to start growing. You can also use frayed cotton string or a seed crystal of the same substance if you do not have a rough rock. Tumbled, or polished, rocks do not work well for crystal gardens.


              Place the garden into the refrigerator. Check the solution in two to three hours. The Epsom salt crystals will begin to form quickly. Let the solution sit until the crystals are as large as they will grow. You will know that the crystals finished growing when they do not increase in size over a 24-hour period.


              Pour any excess solution out of the jar or bowl once the crystals are fully grown.

            Kids Outdoor Party Ideas

            Kids Outdoor Party Ideas

            Kids love the outdoors, so if you're planning a party for kids, consider an outdoor extravaganza. Outdoor parties are best during the warmer months, but you can try them on slightly cooler days as well. Whether you organize a picnic party, a scavenger hunt, a treasure hunt, or a day of water-filled fun, kids will love the outdoor party you've planned. Does this Spark an idea?

            Picnic Party

              Younger kids, especially toddlers and preschoolers, will love picnic parties. Just bring along plenty of old sheets or tablecloths to spread on the ground, and prepare typical barbecue food, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, grilled chicken, corn on the cob and salads. As activities for a picnic party, make a marching band and sing "The Ants Are Marching One By One," build picnic baskets from shoe boxes and a strip of cardboard and decorate them with craft supplies, or play a game of "I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing a..." with each person adding one more object to the list.

            Scavenger and Treasure Hunts

              Older kids who can travel through the neighborhood on their own (or who can be driven places by a chaperone) will enjoy scavenger hunt parties and treasure hunt parties. For a scavenger hunt party, make a list of vague items that groups of kids must find, such as "something purple," "something more than 100 years old," "a stone," and "man-made object." If you give the kids digital cameras, they can take pictures of their finds; otherwise, they'll simply need to confirm that they visited each place. The first team to complete the entire list wins, and the party finishes with plenty of food and fun outside as the kids discuss their travels.

              Alternatively, kids can go on a treasure hunt, following hint after hint until they finally find a large treasure (such as a box of some exciting party favors). This will take plenty of preparation beforehand. You also can make the end of the treasure hunt land them at the special location where the party will take place.

            Water Fun

              Pool parties are a great idea for outdoor fun. But if you don't have a pool in your backyard, you can still throw a water party that kids will enjoy. Fill up several kiddy pools on a grassy area; attach a sprinkler to your hose - or several sprinklers, if possible; start a water balloon fight with intricate rules; and fill up plenty of water guns and other water toys. Let the kids loose in their bathing suits and watch how much fun a bit of water can add to a party. When the kids start winding down, you can give them watermelon, Goldfish crackers, Popsicles, and other water-related foods, along with a cake shaped like a swimming pool.

            Free Games for Kids Age 5 & Older

            Free Games for Kids Age 5 & Older

            Games allow children to learn, interact, express their creativity and grow. Finding free games to stimulate your child's learning is not a difficult task. There are activities on the Internet, in books and in the community that will entertain and educate your child free of charge. Be sure to keep your child's safety, interests and needs in mind when finding free games for him to play.

            Online Learning Games

              Online games can stimulate children's learning and creativity. Selecting official websites with learning games for kids will give them safe and structured online play. The PBS Kids website features games divided by topics that include science, music, problem solving, healthy eating and the environment. Nickelodeon's website has over 200 puzzle games that feature characters from the television station's programs. Disney's website has several skill games themed around the company's movies and television programs like "Toy Story" and "Phineas and Ferb." Browse these and other websites to see which online learning activities would be best for your child.

            Online Safety

              Thoroughly check out every games website you let your child visit. Make sure that your anti-virus software does not detect any threats to your computer from the websites. Also make sure that other people cannot contact or chat with your child as she plays learning games online. Predators pose a real threat to children on the Internet, so your vigilance in selecting online games will protect your child from exposure and harm.

            Books on Game Ideas

              Numerous books have been written on games for kids. One book, "Great Big Book of Children's Games: Over 450 Indoor & Outdoor Games for Kids" by Debra Wise, has ideas and instructions for several different kinds of kids' games. These games include card games, word games, party games, sidewalk games and more. This book caters to different age levels, number of players and occasions. Jane Drake and Ann Love's "The Kids Summer Games Book" features more than 150 different games and activity ideas for entertaining children in the summertime. "365 Smart Afterschool Activities" by Ellison Gray features games as well as crafts, movement and dance, writing, hobbies and nature. Visit your library to find these and other books on games for children.

            Organized Activities

              Libraries, recreation centers and schools often offer free after-school programs. They also may offer facilitated play times. Children enrolled in these programs have access to board games, physical education games and other types of structured play. These programs let children interact with their peers while having fun and participating in learning activities. Check to see if there are any programs available in your area.

            Saturday, November 23, 2013

            NFL Oakland Raiders Small Family Decal Set

            • Officially licensed NFL product
            • Outdoor rated
            • Repositionable
            • 6 individual characters
            • Great for car or home

            Special Offer: check this out!

            Related Products

              Product Description
              Show off your team pride with our Oakland Raiders family automotive decals. The set includes 6 individual family themed decals that each feature the team logo. The 5" x 7" decal set is made of outdoor rated, repositionable vinyl for durability and easy application.

              Ogio Doppler Kit - Black One Size

              • top webbing carry handle
              • swivel hook for easy mount
              • multi-compartment for toiletries
              • and accessories

              Special Offer: check this out!

              Related Products

                Product Description
                Whether you're headed on vacation or traveling for business, you'll be able to store all your toiletries in Ogio(r)'s Doppler kit! It's designed with a top webbing carry handle and a swivel hook, in addition to multiple compartments ideal for carrying shampoo, soap, or whatever!

                How to Cook a Hobo Dinner When Camping

                How to Cook a Hobo Dinner When Camping

                Campfire cooking isn't just about hot dogs on sticks -- and it doesn't have to be as involved as a clambake or a fire pit barbeque. An old-fashioned "hobo dinner" is a complete meal cooked in a foil packet over an open fire. With adult supervision, kids can make their own, as young campers have done for decades. The classic recipe calls for ground beef, but you can also use chicken, freshly caught fish or omit the meat altogether.



                  Wash and slice the potato, carrot and onion.


                  Lay a 12-inch piece of foil on a plate. Cover with a single layer of wet paper towel, then a second layer of foil.


                  Place the vegetables in the center of the foil. Crumble the ground meat over on top, and season with garlic powder, salt and pepper.


                  Lift the far edges of the foil so that they meet, then fold them down and over three times. Fold the sides underneath to make a flat packet.


                  Place the packet on the coals near the edge of the fire -- not in the middle in the flames. Cook for 20 to 25 minutes, turning with metal tongs after 10 minutes.


                  Allow the packet to cool for a few minutes on the plate before you open it.

                20 X 10 Vegetable Garden Plan

                A small space doesn't mean that you can't have a bountiful return in a vegetable garden. A 20-by-10-foot vegetable garden can yield enough vegetables to feed your family for months. Careful planning, followed by some basic care will give you a vegetable garden that produces fresh, delicious vegetables. Does this Spark an idea?


                  To begin your garden plan, you must first decide what to grow. Choose vegetables that your family likes to eat every week, such as tomatoes or beans. Know how much sun your plot receives, so you will be able to choose appropriate vegetables. Find out the safe planting date for summer vegetables, such as tomatoes, that need to be planted after the last frost. Armed with these facts it is time to sit down and make your plan.

                Laying Out Your Garden

                  Using graph paper and a pencil, draw the boundaries of the garden on your paper using a scale of 2 feet per inch. You should have a square that measures 10 inches by 5 inches. Mark the north side of your garden. The north side of your garden is where you will plant the tallest plants as well as vining plants that can be grown vertically. Pole beans are a good choice here, as are cucumbers. You can also consider growing summer squash in the corners, training the vines to grow along the edges of your garden.
                  The middle section of the garden is for your mid-sized plants, such as tomatoes and peppers. The front of the garden is space for the shorter vegetables, such as radishes, onions, broccoli and herbs

                Succession Planting

                  One way to gain a greater yield from a small garden is with succession gardening. Many plants, such as lettuce, peas or spinach, prefer cooler temperatures, while others such as tomatoes and peppers prefer the warmer summer heat to produce their crops. Plant the vegetables that prefer cooler temperatures in the early spring, leaving room for the warmer season plants. Once the weather settles and all danger of frost has passed, plant the warm-season vegetables. Within a few weeks you will have harvested your cool-season vegetables leaving room for the ones that prefer warmer conditions

                Preparing the Soil

                  Gardening in succession on a small piece of garden is hard on the soil, depleting of nutrients. It is important to incorporate large amounts of organic matter into the soil to prepare for planting. Fertilize your plants one or twice a month to keep the garden growing at its best.

                Watering Your Garden

                  Vegetable gardens need a lot of water. The right amount of moisture will give you the best yields. A low cost drip irrigation system is a good idea, and should be incorporated into your plan. It can be as simple as a soaker hose regulated by a timer.

                Friday, November 22, 2013

                Beachfront RV Campgrounds in Florida

                Beachfront RV Campgrounds in Florida

                It's not hard for recreational vehicle enthusiasts who want to stay on a Florida beach to find an RV park to meet their needs. Florida has nearly 660 miles of beaches along its 1,200 miles of coastline, according to the state. Campers can choose between Atlantic Ocean beaches on the state's eastern shore, or Gulf of Mexico beaches on the west. In both regions, they'll find RV parks conveniently located to local attractions, including Kennedy Space Center.

                Emerald Beach RV Park

                  Emerald Beach RV Park is located on Santa Rosa Sound in northwest Florida, between the cities of Destin and Pensacola. Campers can fish from the park's private white-sand beach, enjoy the pool or go kayaking (rentals are available). Emerald Beach offers 76 sites with full hookups, including back-in and pull-through sites. Each site includes a paved patio, a picnic table and cable TV; Wi-Fi is offered for a small fee. Other amenities include laundry facilities and propane sales. The park offers an ongoing GPS treasure hunt, and public boat ramps and the Gulf of Mexico are less than 2 miles away. In 2010, two-person summer rates started at $47 ($57 for beachfront sites). Children under 4 stay free. Discounts are offered to Good Sam and AAA members. Weekly and monthly rates are available.

                  Emerald Beach RV Park

                  8885 Navarre Parkway

                  Navarre, FL 32566



                Manatee Hammock Campground

                  Manatee Hammock Campground is located on Indian River Lagoon near Titusville, along eastern Florida's "space coast." Campers at Manatee Hammock can watch launches from Kennedy Space Center, fish from the park's shoreline or pier, swim in the pool or observe wildlife including osprey, pelican and dolphins. Operated by Brevard County, Manatee Hammock offers 147 RV sites with full hook-ups. Amentities include shower and laundry facilities, a reception center, and shuffleboard; Wi-Fi is available at the reception center. In 2010, RV rates were $28 for residents, $30 for non-residents; there are also sales and tourist taxes. A variety of discounts are offered.

                  Manatee Hammock Campground

                  7275 S. U.S. Highway 1

                  Titusville, FL 32780



                North Beach Camp Resort

                  North Beach Camp Resort is located on one of northeastern Florida's barrier islands, between the Atlantic Ocean and the North River. Surf fishing, swimming, and surfing are popular activities for guests at the 30-acre wooded resort, which has frontage on the ocean and the river. In 2010, RV rates for two people ranged from $45 per night for an inland site with water and electric hookups, to $75 nightly for a riverfront site with full hook-ups. Shower and laundry facilities are available and the resort has a game room, TV lounge, lending library and convenience store. Guests can enjoy fishing from the campground's pier or use the nearby boat ramp for river access. Aunt Kate's Restaurant is located on the resort property, offering casual family dining indoors or on decks. The resort also operates scenic cruises with discounted prices for guests. Weekly RV rates are available, and Good Sam Discounts are offered.

                  North Beach Camp Resort

                  4125 Coastal Highway

                  St. Augustine, FL 32084



                Turtle Beach Campground

                  Turtle Beach Campground was named in honor of the area's nesting sea turtles after Sarasota County purchased the park in 2006. The 14-acre campground is located on Siesta Key, along western Florida's Gulf Coast. Turtle Beach offers 40 sites, including RV and tent areas. RV sites include sewer, water, and basic electricity, with air conditioning and cable TV each available for $2 daily in 2010. The campground has free Wi-Fi, launching areas for kayaks and canoes, boat ramps, grills, picnic areas a volleyball court, and a playground. In 2010, RV sites ranged from $32 to $60 nightly for two people.

                  Turtle Beach Campground

                  8862 Midnight Pass Road

                  Sarasota, FL 34242



                National Forest Campgrounds in Williams, AZ

                National Forest Campgrounds in Williams, AZ

                Arizona has six National Forests within its state boundaries. Kaibab National Forest surrounds Williams and has three nice forest service campgrounds. A KOA is also in the area near Williams. The most famous national park area located in the Kaibab Forest draws visitors to the Grand Canyon area each summer. The Grand Canyon area provides Kaibab campers with guided hiking and horse tours. Two other National Forest located nearby; also provide additional scenic drives, hiking, camping, rafting and outdoor sports.

                White Horse Lake

                  White Horse Lake campground has 94 sites for camping by RVs and Tents. The camping sites have views of the lake or grassy meadows. The campground has seasonal camping. The sites also have tables and grilles for camping conveniences. Amenities include waste station, wheelchair toilets and boat ramps. Activities include power boating, ATV trails, hiking and fishing.

                  White Horse Lake Campground
                  Ranger Park Office--Williams
                  742 South Clover Road
                  Williams, Arizona 86046

                Kaibab Lake

                  The Kaibab Lake campground, located about five miles north of Williams, nestles among the Ponderosa pines on the shores of Kaibab Lake. Camping sites have views of lake and grassy areas. The National Forest campground is open year round, although some services are seasonal (May-Sep). The campground has 72 sites consisting of RV and tent sites. Amenities include waste station, wheelchair toilets and boat ramps. Activities include small power boating and fishing. No reservations are required; however, you can contact the park office for more information about the campground.

                  Kaibab Lake Campground
                  Ranger Park Office--Williams
                  742 South Clover Road
                  Williams, Arizona 86046

                Dogtown Lake

                  The campground at Dogtown Lake has 51 sites. The campground has seasonal camping with firewood available for a small fee. Sites include tables, fire rings and grilles for camping conveniences. Amenities include waste station, wheelchair toilets and boat ramps. Activities include small power boating, canoeing, hiking and fishing.

                  Dogtown Lake Campground
                  Ranger Park Office--Williams
                  742 South Clover Road
                  Williams, Arizona 86046

                Circle Pines KOA

                  The Circle Pines KOA, located northeast of Williams, has spaces for RVs and tents as well as one- and two-room cabins. Campground services include wireless Internet, snack bar, restrooms with showers and a laundry room. Activities include swimming pool, hot tub, minigolf and bike rentals.

                  Circle Pines KOA
                  1000 Circle Pines Road
                  Williams, AZ 86046

                Shake Weight Pro, WOMEN'S

                • Weighs 3 lbs.
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                • Step by step routine

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                  Product Description
                  Shake Weight Pro. The "smart" dumbbell just got smarter! Introducing the NEWEST funnest way to shake and tone your arms, shoulders and chest! It provides the same, fun effective workout as the original, but this time around, it has adjustable resistance to increase intensity with a mere twist of your hands. Your muscles will contract up to 240 times a minutes for fast results in just six minutes a day! Available in Men's and Women's sizes, it's the smart, effective way to shake up your fitness routine! State Men's or Women's. Order yours today! Shake Weight Pro Men's Weighs 5 lbs., measures 15" l. Women's Weighs 3 lbs., measures 13"l.

                  Thursday, November 21, 2013

                  How to Build an Outdoor Kitchen

                  Outdoor kitchens are popular with families seeking ways to enjoy more outside entertaining and recreation. With an outdoor kitchen, you can maximize your backyard time by cooking and serving meals on the patio. Keep a few guidelines in mind when you're ready to build your outdoor kitchen. Does this Spark an idea?



                    Choose an appropriate location. Your outdoor kitchen should be an extension of your home. Optimally, it will be just outside your regular kitchen or dining area to make transportation of food items easy.


                    Place your outdoor kitchen on an existing patio, or install one. Make sure your patio can withstand the weight of the cabinets, grill or fire pit.


                    Allow for utility hookups. A gas grill requires a gas line, and a sink will need proper plumbing and drainage. In addition, if you choose to install or operate electrical appliances, you will need outlets and wiring.


                    Build or purchase prebuilt cabinet bases and install them in a workable design. When incorporating your grill and appliances, make sure you consider fire safety. Some commercial grills and cooktops should not sit closely to cabinets and need ventilation.


                    Use weatherproof materials, or seal your outdoor kitchen surfaces. Water and moisture will warp wood and countertops. If you can't find stainless cabinets or can't afford them, buy a commercial sealant product and put several coats on your wood and laminate surfaces. Use treated lumber wherever possible.


                    Consider installing a premade outdoor kitchen unit. It may be difficult to find a contractor willing to build an outdoor kitchen, but fabricated units are available from major lumber centers and superstores.

                  Family Car Stickers 5 inches tall Vinyl Auto Decal, Male Adult - Dad

                  • Weather proof
                  • 100% outdoor rated for long lasting life
                  • Easy to remove vinyl
                  • Comes with easy installation instructions
                  • Made in the U.S.

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                    Product Description
                    Family stickers are made from 100% outdoor-rated, easy-to-remove vinyl so they won't wear and tear and will last for many years. Every sticker comes with installation instructions. 5" tall.

                    How to Grow a Potato in Water for a Science Project

                    How to Grow a Potato in Water for a Science Project

                    Growing a potato makes a fun science project for students since they can watch it grow before their eyes. Have the students grow either a sweet potato in water, a white, Irish potato in water or start both at the same time to learn the differences. The students can keep journals monitoring the progress of the potatoes. As a popular houseplant, sweet potatoes make a more visually appealing, fast-growing plant with an abundance of leaves and vines. The student can give the sweet potato plant as a gift to a parent or keep it for his or her room.


                    Growing Sweet Potatoes in Water


                      Stick three to four toothpicks into the sweet potato. For young children, an adult can stick the toothpicks in.


                      Insert the sweet potato into the glass jar. The toothpicks will hold the potato a few inches away from the bottom of the jar.


                      Add enough water to the jar so the bottom of the potato sits fully in the water.


                      Place the jar in the window sill or a place where it will get lots of sunshine.


                      Check the jar daily, adding water when needed to keep the potato bottom wet. Soon you will see sprouts forming on the bottom of the potato. These sprouts show roots beginning to emerge. In a week, you will see small leaves growing from the top.


                      Keep the water level the same in the jar, so the sweet potato bottom stays wet. A few days after you see the first leaves, you will see vines growing. After two to three weeks, you will have several long vines with green leaves. You can continue watering your potato as usual in the jar or transplant it into a pot with soil. Your sweet potato will continue growing into a green, leafy houseplant.

                    Growing White Potatoes in Water


                      Stick four toothpicks into the sides of the white potato, arranging them so they stick out all around the middle. A teacher can help very young students with the toothpicks.


                      Insert the wide end of the potato into the clear plastic cup so the toothpicks rest on the rim of the cup.


                      Add enough water to the cup to cover just the bottom of the potato.


                      Place the cup with the water and potato in a dark, cool place. Leave it there for one to two weeks to allow the eyes and sprouts to grow.


                      Put the white potato in the cup near a sunny window. You should see shoots and growing roots. Allow the potato to continue growing, adding water when needed.

                    NFL New England Patriots Large Family Decal Set

                    • Officially licensed NFL product
                    • Outdoor rated
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                    • 25 individual characters
                    • Great for car or home

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                      Product Description
                      Show off your team pride with our New England Patriots family automotive decals. The set includes 25 individual family themed decals that each feature the team logo. The 11" x 11" decal set is made of outdoor rated, repositionable vinyl for durability and easy application.

                      Wednesday, November 20, 2013

                      Preschool Ideas with a Camping Theme

                      Preschool Ideas with a Camping Theme

                      Camping is an exciting topic for young children, as it satisfies their strong urge to constantly discover new things. The indoor environment of a house or preschool may seem limited, but teachers and parents can come up with ideas to introduce children to camping. Because of its versatility, camping can be the core of a number of compelling educational activities for young kids.

                      Camping Gear Find

                        The checklist of items for a camping excursion is long, hence, it wouldn't be too difficult for children to assume which items are needed. Bring a number of those items and scatter them across the room. Items can include tall boots, a compass, string, a lantern, a flashlight and any other item that can be blended with the room's decoration. After children find them, the teacher must explain the use of each item on a camping site through collaborative role-play activities.

                      Camping Worksheets

                        Create camping-themed worksheets or find them online. The worksheets can include a game or coloring the designs of camping equipment such as tents and canoes. After a coloring activity, children can learn how to use scissors and cut out their picture.

                      Pretend Play

                        If you have an open yard area, set up a small camping tent and assign tasks to kids, as if you were in a real camping trip. Children can undertake various simple duties such as gathering small branches for an imaginative fire, or using stones to create the fireplace. In addition, kids can use a compass to learn direction.

                      Marshmallows and Stories

                        A popular image of a camping trip is children sitting around the fire at night, roasting marshmallows and narrating stories. You can re-create this atmosphere by closing all the windows and lights of the room. Use flashlights for minimal illumination. Bring marshmallows and pretend to roast them by piercing them with chopsticks. Create a circle around the light and start telling stories about camp life, the dangers it may have (bugs, weather), but also the pleasant experiences it can offer.

                      Camping Crafts

                        Preschoolers can use construction paper to make some easy camping-themed crafts, such as a small canoe. Fold a piece of brown construction paper in half, to form a long rectangle. Make another fold about half an inch from the fold line on both sides to create a "W" shape. With the folds on the bottom of the canoe, draw a canoe shape at the two sides of the rectangle and cut it out. Punch some holes on each end, weave through them using string and push the floor flat.

                      Carrom 2.01 Champion Nok-Hockey Game, Standard

                      • Popular Nok-Hockey game with durable wooden two-player board and real wood sticks and pucks
                      • Solid wood goal zone obstacles and corner banks; two hardwood pucks and two plastic hockey sticks
                      • Thick, 0.75-inch wooden frame and 0.125-inch hardboard playing surface; two-color, screen-printed graphics using lead-free ink
                      • Measures 23.8 by 1.9 by 35 inches (W x H x D); 7.7-pound weight; no assembly required; recommended for ages six and up
                      • Includes limited 90-day manufacturer's warranty

                      Special Offer: check this out!

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                        Even if you're missing ice and nets, you can still pretend to play for your favorite ice hockey team while sitting around the game room table with Carrom's popular Nok-Hockey game. The durable wooden two-player board comes with real wood sticks and pucks.

                        Solid wood goal zone obstacles and corner banks Two hardwood pucks and two plastic hockey sticks Thick, 0.75-inch wooden frame 0.125-inch hardboard playing surface Two-color, screen-printed graphics using lead-free ink

                        Measures 23.8 by 1.9 by 35 inches (W x H x D) 7.7-pound weight No assembly required Recommended for ages six and up

                        Carrom gaming products include a limited 90-day manufacturer's warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.

                        About Carrom
                        Carrom was founded in 1889, and has long produced a variety of family-friendly games of strategy, skill, and fun. The company makes games ranging from foosball, air and stick hockey, basketball, checkers, chess, cribbage, dominoes, poker, and travel games.